PhD thesis
Immune Modulation by Human Milk Oligosaccharides PhD Student: Stine Dam Jepsen The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate how various structures of HMOs affect different parts of the immune system, both directly, independent of microbiota and microbial derives, as well as indirectly by involvement of HMO-fermentation products, in this case, short-chain fatty acids. |
The Clogged Antibiotic Pipeline Challenges and Tricky Targets in Drug Development
PhD Student: Laura Daniele Martinenghi Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), often called a "silent pandemic," poses a serious threat to global health as bacteria and other pathogens grow increasingly resistant to existing antibiotics. This resistance is fueled by not only biological factors but also by insufficient healthcare access, outdated testing methods, restrictive regulations, and limited funding for research. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT. |
PhD Student: Yangfan Liu |
PhD Student: Line Iadsatian Christiansen Preterm infants are predisposed to complications like infections, hypoxia-ischemia, and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which can result in brain damage, altered neural connectivity, and impaired myelination. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT. |
Genomic characteristics of Aeromonas spp. and Edwardsiella ictaluri in striped catfish in Vietnam PhD student: Vera Irene Erickson Vietnam is the world's leading producer and exporter of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus), with aquaculture concentrated in the Mekong Delta. This thesis aims to provide insights into genomic epidemiology, antibiotic resistance patterns, and the virulence of bacteria that cause the disease to help Vietnamese veterinary authorities offer more targeted treatment guidelines for the two diseases. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROJCECT.
Identification of antibiotic fitness-genes in aminoglycoside-resistant Escherichia coli PhD student: Sandra Marina Wellner The discovery of antibiotics has saved millions of lives and revolutionized modern medicine. However, the extensive use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine has led to an increased spread of antibiotic resistance among pathogens. Therefore, innovative approaches employing advanced technologies are crucial. |
Generation and Evaluation of Non-Immunogenic Stem Cell Lines for in vivo Implantation PhD student: Henriette Reventlow S. Frederiksen Successful cell therapy and transplantation depend partly on matching of the donor's and host's immune systems. The high variability between individual immune systems makes finding a compatible donor particularly challenging, limiting the application of these treatments. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT. |
The intimate interactions between bacteriophages and bacteria PhD student: Veronika Theresa Lutz Bacteriophages are possible alternatives to antibiotics since they specifically infect and kill bacteria. Elucidating how phages selectively target their host bacteria by binding to the bacterial surface is particularly important for developing phages for therapy. |
Immunologic effects of probiotics against respiratory viral infections PhD student: Katrine Damgaard Winther The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate if and how specific probiotic strains can modulate responses in immune cells, and whether they will have beneficial effects against respiratory viruses through stimulation of local and/or systemic immune responses when administered in vivo to mice and pigs. |
Exploration of Genetic Factors Influencing Gut Health in Pigs PhD Student: Emil Ibragimov |
Field Methods for the Identification of Emerging Viruses PhD Student: Anna Signe Fomsgaard Viruses are major contributors to novel emerging infectious diseases. Due to the versatile nature of viruses, human activities, contact with animals and environmental factors, the world is increasingly experiencing viral disease outbreaks. Learn more about the project. |
PhD Student: Susanne Leth Musse Effect of intramuscular Lawsonia intracellularis vaccination on production parameters, antimicrobial consumption and mixed-pathogen intestinal infections in grower pigs. Learn MORE about this project. |
Causes and Bacteriological Findings in Carcasses Condemned at a Danish Broiler Abattoir PhD Student: Ahmed Eassa H Alfifi Causes and Bacteriological Findings in Carcasses Condemned at a Danish Broiler Abattoir - LEARN more about this project. |
Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in healthy and streptozotocin-induced diabetic Göttingen Minipigs PhD Student: Mille Kronborg Lyhne Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in healthy and streptozotocin-induced diabetic Göttingen Minipigs. LEARN more about this project. |
Investigations of NASH and hepatic fibrosis in the guinea pig model PhD Student: Josephine Skat-Rørdam Investigations of NASH and hepatic fibrosis in the guinea pig model. |
Colibacillosis in poultry – Aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and control PhD Student: Sofie Kromann Infections with Escherichia coli, collectively referred to as colibacillosis, constitute a major health challenge in poultry. LEARN more about this project. |
Towards an evidence-based welfare assessment protocol for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in Zoos PhD Student: Cecilie Ravn Skovlund The purpose of the present PhD project was to begin the development of a welfare assessment protocol for polar bears in zoos, based on an adaptation of the Welfare Quality® and 24/7 Approach framework, with focus on behavioural welfare indicators. |
Modulation of mucosal immunity and enteric pathogens by dietary compounds PhD Student: Ling Zhu Enteric pathogens infect more than one billion people, as well as livestock all over the world, and cause diarrhea, chronic inflammation and ill health, even death. |
Assessment of antimicrobial susceptibility, intrinsic resistance, and virulence in industrially relevant bacteria
PhD Student: Katrine Nøhr-Meldgaard When a bacteria is used for industrial purposes, it needs to be ensured that it is safe for the consumer and worker. Thus, bacterial strains used for food, feed and probiotic production should not encode acquired antibiotic resistance genes. |
PhD Student: Xiao Fei Salmonella enterica is an important pathogen infecting humans and warm blooded animals. |
In vitro characterization of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae outer membrane vesicles
PhD student: Zhuang Zhu Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) open up a new avenue different from any other strategies used before in vaccine research. OMVs are non-replicative sphere structures originating from the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. |
Avian Schistosomes and Cercarial Dermatitis in Denmark PhD student: Azmi Al-Jubury During the last decades human infections with avian schistosome larvae have been observed in Denmark with increasing frequency. The infection in human is termed cercarial dermatitis or swimmer’s itch, which is a skin disorder caused by penetrating avian schistosome cercariae. |
Disease prevention against Gallibacterium anatis with special emphasis on outer membrane vesicles PhD student: Toloe Allahghadry The global emergence and spread of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens have become an increasing concern to public health. Besides affecting human healthcare, antimicrobial-resistant bacteria have also affected the livestock industry worldwide, which led to increased mortality and economic loss over the last decades. |
PhD student: Charlotte Smith Bonde Infections with parasitic worms are common in livestock causing substantial economic losses and posing health risks to infected animals. Parasitic worms of pigs include species such as the large roundworm (Ascaris suum) and nodular worm (Oesophagostomum spp.). The nodular worm is a smaller worm up to 1.5 cm long, located in the large intestine of pigs. The large roundworm is located in the small intestine of the pigs and females can grow up to 40 cm long. This parasite can also infect humans. LEARN MORE |
PhD student: Nanna Krogh Skjølstrup Farmers and veterinarians are the primary responsible actors for refining or reducing antimicrobial use (AMU) within dairy cattle. Their collaborative framework of veterinary herd health consultancy (VHHC) comprises an obvious setting to explicitly work towards this task. Research shows that changing AMU is a complex issue for the individual farmer or veterinarian, involving many influential barriers and motivators. |
Trematodes in Danish freshwater systems PhD student: Yajiao Duan Digenean trematodes belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. They have a complex life cycle and require at least two hosts, one of which is usually a mollusc. Other invertebrates and vertebrates may serve as second and/or definitive hosts. The free-living stage (termed cercariae), which is released from the mollusk, to the aquatic system becomes exposed to a range of abiotic and biotic factors. |
In vitro and in vivo pharmacodynamics of tulathromycin against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae PhD student: Astrid Katarina Larberg Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is an important lung pathogen in pig production which is commonly treated and prevented with antimicrobials. Tulathromycin is a long-acting macrolide antimicrobial, frequently used in the treatment and prevention of A. pleuropneumoniae. One single injection of tulathromycin creates a sufficient antimicrobial exposure for effect, which is beneficial for the user. |
Co-infection of wounds with Arcanobacterium phocae and Streptococcus halichoeri in farm mink - Disease mechanisms and diagnostic
PhD student: Oliver Legarth Honoré In 1996 a new disease was observed within fur animals in Canada. The disease was characterized as rapid forming necrotizing wounds. Later in 2007, the first cases emerged in Finland. In 2015, the first confirmed cases of FNP were recorded on five Danish mink farms. It remains unknown how many farms are affected by the disease. |
PhD student: Abbey Olsen Among various sources of human toxoplasmosis, infection from consuming undercooked meat is an important one, as the meat may contain viable Toxoplasma gondii parasites. Acquired toxoplasmosis is rarely reported in healthy humans because the symptoms are either mild or absent. But toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised individuals like those with HIV, infection can be life-threatening. In pregnant women, infection may lead to abortions or infection may be passed on to the fetus resulting in brain damage or blindness from congenital toxoplasmosis. |
An intracellular perspective of the metabolism of uropathogenic Escherichia coli PhD Student: Sisse Mortensen Extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) are able to cause infections outside the intestines. Uropathogenic (UPEC) and Avian Pathogenic (APEC) E. coli are two ExPEC variants. They cause infection in the urinary tract system of human (UPEC) and in the salpinx and airways of birds (APEC), respectively. Genetically, these two ExPECs cannot be distinguished from one another. Previous studies have shown that APEC strains are able to infect in vivo models of human urinary tract infection (UTI), suggesting that they may be zoonotic. But no studies have shown that UPEC can infect in adult immonucompetent bird and examined a potential anthrozoonotic potential of UPEC. |
PhD Student: Audrey Inge Schytz Andersen-Civil Proanthocyanidins (PAC) are specialized plant metabolites, more commonly known as a type of anti-oxidant, and they are part of the larger phytochemical group of polyphenols. Interestingly, several studies have demonstrated important anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of PAC both in cellular and animal models. |
Annotation and Transcriptomic Analysis of Bacillus subtilis with Application in Biotechnology PhD Student: Adrian Geissler Enzymes are crucial to biotechnology and consumer goods. These enzymes are produced by micro-organisms, which are also referred to as cell-factories (in contrast to concrete buildings). One such specific cell-factory organism is the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. |
Transcriptome profiling of neurodegenerative disorders modelled with IPSCs and computational methods for CRISPR/Cas9 editing
PhD Student: Giulia Corsi |
PhD Student: Kathryn Louise Perrin, BVetMed, PhD, Dipl ACZM, Dipl ECZM (ZHM), Zoo Veterinarian |
Transduction in Staphylococcus aureus PhD Student: Ahlam Alsaadi In Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogenic bacterium that able to infect humans and animals. Third of healthy human population carries Staphylococcus aureus in their interior nares, while the rest are intermittent carriers. READ MORE about the project |
PhD Student: Camilla Jensen You have probably taken penicillin to cure tonsillitis or other bacterial infections - but have you ever wondered how penicillin actually works? Read more about the CIpX Chaperone and Super-resolution imaging |
PhD Student: Karin Mundbjerg Mink urinary tract disease (MUTD) is a disease complex characterized by stones in the urinary tract and infection in of the urinary bladder and kidneys. The disease often leads to fatal urethral obstruction, especially in males and is a common cause of mortality in growing mink kits. Urinary tract stones in mink are reported to be composed of the mineral struvite which forms in alkaline urine. |
PhD Student: Kasper Mikkelsen, email: Staphylococcus aureus is a serious human pathogen with a remarkable ability to adapt to challenging conditions and cause life-threatening infections. The most important class of antimicrobials for the treatment of S. aureus infections is the β-lactams. By the acquisition of the staphylococcal chromosome cassette (SCCmec), some S. aureus isolates have evolved methicillin-resistance (MRSAs) that are resistant to nearly every β-lactam antibiotic, why additional measures are needed to combat this pathogen. READ MORE |
Decoding the lamination, cytoarchitecture and cellular composition of the entorhinal cortex PhD Student: Tobias Borgtoft Bergmann, email:, The entorhinal cortex, as part of the parahippocampal region, is involved in unique functions related to spatial navigation and consolidating episodic memory. The entorhinal cortex and the entorhinal cells that are responsible for its unique tasks have mainly been investigated by electrophysiological and histological studies. READ MORE |
Contracaecum osculatum larvae in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): Effects on growth and immune response
PhD student: Huria Marnis, e-mail: The eastern Baltic cod has experienced a marked increase in infection caused by third-stage larvae of the nematode Contracaecum osculatum. The cod acts as transport host with the third-stage larvae located in the liver. The PhD project produced three published papers. READ MORE |
Biofluid proteome profiling of perinatal infectious diseases in preterm neonates PhD student: Tik Muk, e-mail: Perinatal infectious diseases, such as chorioamnionitis (CA) and neonatal sepsis, remain a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality, especially for the preterm infant population. Read more |
Gut and systemic immune responses to prenatal inflammation in preterm neonates PhD student: Shuqiang Ren, e-mail: The immature functions of the organs and immune system of preterm infants predispose them to gut and immune disorders. Growth and developmental delays in preterm neonates may affect various organ systems differently at the term-corrected age. Read more |
Genomic Epidemiology and Aquatic Reservoirs of the Seventh Pandemic Vibrio cholerae in Tanzania With the currently available scientific knowledge and tools to guide prevention and treatment, every death due to cholera can be avoided. Cholera, however, continues to take a heavy toll in developing countries especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it has become recurrent for the past forty years favored by poverty, poor hygiene and the vulnerability of populations living around lakes and those affected by conflicts or natural disasters. |
Antimicrobial-induced plasmid-transfer in Escherichia coli
PhD student: Gang Liu, e-mail:, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to human and animal health, and it is projected that by the year 2050 more people will die due to infections with AMR bacteria than cancer, if we do not find ways to prevent development and spread of AMR. |
Genetic diversity and antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli from pigs and broiler chickens Escherichia coli is an important part of the gut flora of all warm-blooded vertebrates. So far research has focused on the few types of E. coli that cause disease, while the large group of harmless, commensal E. coli has been neglected. |
Fasciolosis in Danish dairy cattle: epidemiology, diagnostics, impact and aspects of control (Fasciolose hos dansk malkekvæg: epidemiologi, diagnostik, betydning og kontrol) |